Check out Podcasts featuring VOXFIT®

Swallow Your Pride Podcast:

"All Things Dentistry: Bridging the Gap Between SLPs and Dental Professionals"... featuring Sara G. Davis, M.A. CCC-SLP and Sara Charney, M.S. CCC-SLP

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Swallow Your Pride Podcast:

"Airway Induced Obstructions: What are they, and why should med SLPs know?" featuring Sara Davis, M.A. CCC-SLP

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Out of the Voicebox Podcast:

"Gains without (Vocal) Strain" featuring Sara Davis

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Yes You Can Podcast:

"Find Your Voice" with Sara Davis from VOXFIT

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Off The Bike Podcast:

"Find Your Voice Coaching Session" with VOXFIT


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Fitness Career Mastery Podcast:

"Learning Proper Care of Your Voice" with Speech Pathologist Sara Davis


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