GET VOCALLY Inspired in 2024, Impact of Vocal Hygiene on Vocal Fatigue, Preventative Voice Training, & PYV!

Enjoy some educational & inspiring blog reading & be sure to roll your shoulders & focus on slow & nasal breathing as you do!

Make it a great day,

EVERY moment is precious.



Hey friends!!!! Just checking in… been really REALLY busy getting 2024 off to an amazing start. SO MUCH GOOD ON DECK!!!!


Hope you‘ve ALL been having a WONDERFUL start to the NEW year.  What a BLESSING it is to be ALIVE another year--to HONOR the year passed & CELEBRATE ALL of our POSSIBILITIES in the new year ahead!  It is important to realize the POWER WE HAVE TO DECIDE HOW OUR LIVES WILL EVOLVE THIS YEAR, & to take full ownership over the things we CAN control--like attitude, mindset, goals, & mission(s) the ways we treat others, the LIGHT of ours that we allow to SHINE, & the ways we STRIVE to make a POSITIVE difference in this world. 


Take time to look back at all the positives from 2023–growth, change, courage, and lessons learned. GRATITUDE is monumental for mindset and growth… what are you GRATEFUL for from this past year (professionally, personally, etc.)? What new things have you learned about YOURSELF?.. your VOICE?! Have you PRIORITIZED your VOICE as much as you wanted? 


Find your goals from last year and re-assess their current status. Did you meet one or all or any? And if not, has the value of certain former goals evolved? Should you make your goals more specific? Ex: I will make a better habit of prioritizing my voice. Ok, GREAT. But how? When? How often? And how are you measuring it?


As an occupational voice user, your voice is your INSTRUMENT & you must always remember it is your job to take care of it, strengthen it, condition it, & efficiently & dynamically USE it to accomplish your mission(s). How can you use YOUR unique vocal instrument to make a difference in the world this year? In the lives of your patients, clients, students, colleagues, &/or family & friends?


As TIME passes, recognize the power YOU have to HARNESS that ticking clock by STICKING to your GOALS (and making every second COUNT). To USE that time for your learning, progress, AND success. 


And if you haven’t set 2024 GOALS for yourself, NOW is a perfect time to go ahead and WRITE THEM DOWN. Make a point to CHECK IN with your goals once a week at a SPECIFIED TIME…and also remember that goals CAN be met, modified, and re-created as YOU keep evolving. Just KEEP on keepin on and making the MOST of the time you’re given. Commit to the DIRECTION you want to move towards, and find those steps that get you there (however small they may seem—they are NEVER insignificant). Progress is not perfection, progress is PROGRESS towards becoming YOUR best self. But YOU can become SO MUCH BETTER by not “drifting” and letting life happen TO you, and instead planning, goal-setting, practicing gratitude, and deciding to recognize that the the life YOU create can happen FOR you. 


There is SO much POWER in goal-setting, writing down your “dreams”, and MAKING PLANS to achieve both.  Visualize your BEST VOICE & your BEST SELF & START the journey of showing up for what you VISUALIZE & DESERVE! It starts with YOU. CHEERS to 2024, to PRIORITIZING YOUR VOICE this year, & to choosing YOUR BEST VOICE.

Get VOCALLY, professionally, and personally INSPIRED in 2024...




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Vocal Hygiene Impact on Vocal Fatigue... 


Intensive voice use may lead to the development of voice disorders or voice complaints (including vocal fatigue), especially within the occupational and professional voice user populations  (teachers, academics, call center workers, actors, singers, SLPs, fitness instructors, coaches, public speakers, religious officials, etc.). These extensive voice users uphold significant vocal demands and vocal load, while also maintaining jam-packed vocal schedules. They may have minimal training in healthy, efficient, and/or dynamic voice use (to successfully uphold their job requirements and pursue their passions), and they also may be heavy voice users outside of their occupational voice setting (home life, social life, additional jobs, etc.). **My original study on fitness professionals has established exactly this, and we are soon beginning a new study on teachers with a similar hypothesis.**  These individuals may experience vocal fatigue, reduced vocal endurance/stamina, and the “need” for vocal effort (to fulfill their “necessary” voice duties), and all of these voice-related complaints negatively impact these occupational/professional voice users and their quality of life. 

This study (Seren Düzenli-Öztürk et al., 2023) sought to identify the impact of VOCAL HYGIENE on vocal fatigue and voice-related quality of life. WITHOUT QUESTION, I would scream from the rooftops that it does have a (positive) impact without needing any studies, but I do love when studies prove what I believe to be true deep down in my heart. ;) If we do not make an active effort to care for our (vocal) instruments, then they will not be as reliable as we want them to be in terms of their sound quality, condition, and general longevity.


The study found that there IS a significant relationship between vocal fatigue and quality of life amongst professional voice users. Additionally, lower or higher amounts of compliance with vocal hygiene did not seem to significantly affect voice-related quality of life, BUT vocal fatigue level was HIGHER in the group who had lower compliance with vocal hygiene. The low compliance group had higher levels of (vocal) tiredness, avoidance, and physical discomfort. Anddd this study was done on those with HEALTHY voices… I imagine the results might be even more obvious related to the impact of low vocal hygiene compliance on vocal fatigue and voice-related quality of life in those who have voice disorders and/or complaints. Overall the study revealed a relationship between vocal fatigue and voice-related quality of life in healthy professional voice users, and the findings do highlight the importance of raising awareness of these risks in professional voice users, and that even when they have healthy voices, there is a definite NEED for proactive vocal hygiene education programs.


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Have You Ever Wondered About the Impact of PREVENTATIVE VOICE TRAINING on Vocal Health/Function, Mental Health, and Voice-Related Self-Concept? 

My answer is (of course!) I KNOW that voice training DOES positively impact these variables (...andddd I do love when research supports it!). And in my personal favorite population of patients/clients, OCCUPATIONAL VOICE USERS, I love when we look deeper into how these variables can truly affect these significant voice users, and how vocal training to these specific groups (who are in SO MUCH NEED of this intervention), can truly change their LIVES overall and help them pursue and uphold their occupation and lifestyle that they are so passionate about.
The aim of a study by Lücking & Claßen (Dec 2023) was to investigate whether the vocal self-concept and potential vocal and related mental health problems of university teachers and academic advisors can be improved by participating in PREVENTIVE VOICE TRAINING.
These occupational voice users (and all teachers, coaches, fitpros, etc. in my opinion!) show an “increased susceptibility to occupational risk factors related to their voice and an increased prevalence of developing a voice disorder in the course of their employment”.
The study showed that voice training has POSITIVE INFLUENCES ON THE VOICE (function and quality), VOICE SELF-CONCEPT, and general WELL-BEING of university staff.
As shown in this study relative to university teachers and advisors, (but I believe also related to most all  occupational voice users especially those that teach, train, coach, and lead for a living!), WORKPLACE PREVENTION PROGRAMS CAN HELP to REDUCE THE HIGH PREVALENCE OF VOICE DISORDERS and COUNTERACT THE RISK FACTORS. This is a huge PASSION of mine in general, because I strongly believe (for anything, but especially the VOICE) that an ounce of PREVENTION is worth more than a pound of cure. It is critical that these programs “should therefore be firmly integrated into continuing education/health management & everyday life to cope with certain work-related vocal stresses and to maintain psychological and vocal well-being throughout the career”. 
By the way, stay super TUNED because we are starting our next research study NEXT WEEK (SO EXCITED!), & it involves the fabulous TEACHER population of occupational voice users!!!🗣️🫶🏻🙌🏼



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PYV: Anddd of course, always REMEMBER to PRIORITIZE YOUR VOICE! ... 

How are YOU prioritizing your voice today? And everyday? As an OCCUPATIONAL VOICE USER, it SHOULD be one of your top priorities! 

What do you need to know to keep your voice healthy?  You should understand how the voice works, how to protect and care for your voice, and how to use your voice and entire vocal mechanism in the most efficient, effective, and dynamic ways possible.  
I’m super PASSIONATE about this population of voice users (I’m one and most of you are too!), and am HERE TO HELP! Reach out with any questions, concerns, or if you’d like to work together. Email me at [email protected] or DM me on @voxfit_ ...



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