Hey everyone!!
I am incredibly EXCITED to tell you that my FITPRO VOCAL MASTERY course: Voices FIT to INSPIRE is now COMPLETE & LIVE on the VOXFIT®️ website… you can also find it via the link in my bio. This course will encompass the MASTERY of VOICE (specific to the fitness professional) with a focus on VOCAL HEALTH, EFFICIENCY, and DYNAMICS to assist you in PRIORITIZING your VOICE and improving your ability to fulfill your MISSION (and using your VOICE as an instrument in doing so) as a LEADER in the fitness industry.
I’ve put MANY many manyyyyyy hours (and YEARS!) of WORK and EXPERIENCE and PASSION and LOVE into developing this course & TRULY BELIEVE it will be a GAME CHANGER for all FITPROs and all those who care about the VOICES of #fitpros !! The course is virtual, insanely comprehensive, fully backed & cited by a TON of research, & extremely clear to assist you in optimal learning. It includes videos, handouts, and even guidance through our fitpro voice protocols (as established via our recent study that’s currently in publication)!
This virtual course will provide EXTENSIVE education and training on all aspects of VOICE (specific to the fitness professional), with a focus on VOCAL HEALTH, VOCAL EFFICIENCY, VOCAL DYNAMICS, related exercises and strategies to enhance class engagement and vocal delivery, and research-based recommendations related to ALL THINGS VOCAL FITNESS. As a #fitpro, you consistently PRIORITIZE your physical and mental fitness... WHY NOT PRIORITIZE your VOCAL FITNESS?! YOUR VOICE is your INSTRUMENT and the vehicle for delivering your IMPORTANT message(s) of INSPIRATION, MOTIVATION, and method-based INSTRUCTION to all of your clients. You should be PROTECTING it, PRIORITIZING it, and ENHANCING it as you grow in your career... I am here to HELP and am EXCITED to teach you all I've learned over 17+ years in the fitness (and medical/voice-related) industries.
The course encompasses nine different modules and 57 lessons!!! You also have the freedom to navigate between any of them at any time and refer back to them as often as you would like!
Based on LOTS of past research and my research as well, fitpros are shown to be a population of occupational voice users who experience DYSPHONIA (related to their occupational-related voice use) and also receive MINIMAL (if any!) TRAINING on voice. They are also considered to be very heavy vocal users related their occupational day to day teaching-related requirements. My MISSION for quite some time now has been to CREATE this course and get it in the hands of as many fitpros as possible!
After completing this course (and taking the very brief 3-question assessment) you will receive a CERTIFICATE displaying all your hours of hard work and learning. I’m also currently working with group fitness-related certification groups so that this can count towards your continuing education (for those of you that need it)! There will also be a twice per year live FITPRO #vocalfitness zoom call offered to ALL participants who COMPLETE the course. You will receive information about this upon your completion of the course along with your CERTIFICATE as well. If you or your studio/group desire further training via in-person or virtual one-on-one sessions or group seminars, you will also receive a discount for this after your completion of the course. You also can ALWAYS reach out to me with any questions or concerns--especially related to your VOICE. :)
I’m REALLY looking forward to providing this course to all those amazing fitness professionals (and anyone who cares about the voices of these professionals too!) who are interested in expanding their knowledge & understanding of all things VOICE and fitness-related instruction and coaching (with a focus on vocal HEALTH, vocal EFFICIENCY, and vocal DYNAMICS— the three hallmarks of VOXFIT from the very beginning!). As you can tell from the lessons described, there is a lot of additional bonus material involving mindset, cueing, music, energy, etc., etc. etc..!!
I am truly PASSIONATE about the fitness and voice-related industries and have years of EXPERIENCE in both "worlds". Your VOICE is my passion because I know its POWER and the importance of education, training, prevention, and growth in respect to your VOCAL FITNESS and future success as a #fitpro. I also know the IMPACT your VOICE can have on others, and want to teach you how to put that into action right away. I AM HERE TO HELP you pursue and maintain long, healthy careers in the fitness industry, and I want to also help prevent you from becoming a patient in the voice clinic. :) #prioritizeyourvoice
GET READY to learn, have fun, and GROW--as a fitness professional, occupational voice user, and person. I am so grateful and excited to have you on this JOURNEY with me towards VOCAL MASTERY as a fitness professional.
Andddd for those of you on the waitlist (I have all of your names..), you received a discount code last night (of 17% off!), but everyone else can use another code that will be good today (Friday) through Sunday at 11:59pm PDT, which will allow you to get the course for 10% off using code EARLYBIRD.
Enjoy the week & as always, THANK YOU for being a part of the VOXFIT®️ community! Andddd don’t forget to PRIORITIZE YOUR VOICE!!
#voxfit #voice #fitprovocalmastery #voicesfittoinspire #cheerstoyourbestvoice #occupationalvoiceuser #voicespecialist #speechpathologist #research #fitpro #fitnessinstructor #coach #professionalvoiceuser #vocalhealth #vocalefficiency #vocaldynamics #hoarsenessisnevernormal #dysphonia #vocalfitness #bevocallyfit #prioritizeyourvoice
How are YOU prioritizing your voice today? And everyday? As an OCCUPATIONAL VOICE USER, it SHOULD be one of your top priorities!
What do you need to know to keep your voice healthy? You should understand how the voice works, how to protect and care for your voice, and how to use your voice and entire vocal mechanism in the most efficient, effective, and dynamic ways possible.
I’m super PASSIONATE about this population of voice users (I’m one and most of you are too!), and am HERE TO HELP! Reach out with any questions, concerns, or if you’d like to work together. Email me at [email protected] or DM me on @voxfit_ ...