New Research Specific to Indoor Cycling Instructors and Voice!

September 17, 2020


New Research Specific to Indoor Cycling Instructors and Voice!


“Group fitness instruction is linked to a higher risk of phonotraumatic injury as evidenced by the prevalence of vocal fold lesions & reported dysphonia symptomology” (Mikhail et al., 2020).


A study published this year sought to determine the acute effects of instructing a single indoor cycling class on measures of voice production. The study was led by a friend of mine who is also a fellow colleague & indoor cycling instructor (shout out to @lamikhail)! The authors felt it important to investigate these potentially negative effects given that indoor cycling instruction generally requires loud phonation in the presence of competing background noise & as mentioned above, that there is a high prevalence of voice disorders/complaints amongst indoor cycling instructors.


Read the awesome study for more details on methods including a two-experiment design, but in general it was found that certain voice measures significantly worsened (maximum phonation time, CPP F4, & self-perceptual vocal effort ratings), but also that there were no changes in ratings of VF edema post-instruction. Of specific note: MPT significantly decreased post-cycling instruction & previous studies post-aerobic instruction did not display this same result. It is thought this is because indoor cycling instruction requires a higher vocal demand due to potentially increased cardiorespiratory effort. Another interesting note: the pre-class/baseline laryngeal exams of the instructors were rated to have some amount of pre-existing laryngeal edema & laryngologists unanimously documented the location of the edema on the unilateral medial edge of the VF (80%) & on bilateral medial edges (20%).


Although the magnitude of change in the voice measures was reportedly small & there was no measurable change in vocal fold edema post (one) class, & therefore, the study concluded that vocal demand response to a single cycling class may be insufficient to cause significant vocal fold edema, this study still provides some very telling information specific to indoor cycling instructors & group fitness instructors in general. AND the question still remains as to whether repeated cycling instruction (as is the “norm” for all instructors) creates changes in vocal fold appearance & therefore leads to changes/impairments in vocal function. PRIORITIZE your voice NOW! Learn how to instruct without putting yourself at risk. #voxfit



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