Vocal Hygiene Changes DO Make a Difference!

April 7, 2021


Vocal Hygiene Changes Do Make a Difference!


We would like to think that it’s basic knowledge that when you improve your vocal hygiene, your voice might FEEL &/or SOUND better, because research tells us that hydrated vocal folds vibrate better (and with less effort required to set them into motion).  A new study by Nallamuthu et al. (2021) revealed some truth to this assumption as the investigators looked into the “outcomes of instituting a sociocultural relevant vocal hygiene program in facilitating vocal health among female school teachers using a comprehensive voice assessment protocol”. Although the population being featured in the research is that of female school teachers, I certainly believe the results could apply to all occupational voice users—from fitness instructors to singers to public speakers to call center representatives.



It is known that teachers (of any kind) may suffer greater impacts of voice problems due to high vocal demands, inefficient voice use, the need to project the voice constantly throughout a work day, inadequate vocal training to uphold the daily vocal demands of the job, and other contributing factors (physiological, environmental, individual, and work-related issues). It is believed that "structured vocal hygiene programs prevent & reduce the risk of vocal trauma & promote vocal health in teachers”.



The Vocal Hygiene Program in this study included an emphasis on hydration, healthy vocal diet, posture/alignment, vocal practices while teaching, & ensuring an ideal speaking environment. The results of the study found that teachers reported a reduction of unhealthy vocal & non-vocal practices after the program, as well as improvements in symptoms (the sensation of heartburn, discomfort around the throat, & inadequate breath control while speaking). In addition, improvements were found in frequency range although perceptually minimal improvement was noted in voice quality. Changes were also evident in all parameters of stroboscopic evaluation (except nonvibratory portion & ventricular fold hyper-adduction).



The vocal hygiene program in this study was found to improve the teachers’ awareness of at-risk phonotraumatic behaviors & vocal health in general, but the efficiency of this program was limited regarding its ability to produce physiological improvements in the teachers’ voices. However, it does give us an idea of what changes to expect (and look forward to) when people/teachers/occupational voice users PRIORITIZE a simple vocal hygiene program. Wonder what will happen if this protocol is expanded upon to include research-based voice therapy concepts that are easily applicable to everyday life throughout a workday?? Hmmm ;)  (Sorry my mind is in research mode... buuuut you get what I'm saying right?).... STAY TUNED for new VOXFIT® research coming soon!





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