All The Feels...

October 7, 2019


Let’s face it…Sometimes the VOICE can be WEIRD!...And to all of us voice lovers & voice science geeks, WEIRD is so beautiful…BUT to everyone else, the voice & what we do with it can be WEIRD…especially during voice therapy or voice coaching in general (ex: lip trills, tongue trills, resonant humming, straw phonation, mask phonation, cup phonation, resonance training, gargling, flow phonation, voice imagery in general, & the list goes on…). There is a substantial amount of KINESTHETIC awareness involved in learning & growing your VOICE & vocal abilities, as well as a tapping into the many “abstract” components of voice & their connections to the physical body, mind, emotions, & spirit. So, yes, at the beginning the exercises & strategies & concepts you might learn could seem strange, but in the grand PERFORMANCE of VOCAL LIFE, these are the exact TOOLS that create your VOCAL SUCCESS.


These “tools” are also based on LOTS of research & continue to develop you as a VOICE user, improving your own awareness of vocal production, voice use patterns, voice placement/focus, & even expand your baseline vocal abilities. Motor memory for sensory/kinesthetic sensations is a principle of motor learning theory & this connection to the “feel” of the target sensations of the voice is what creates optimum vocal production at the level of the vocal folds themselves. Ear training & auditory feedback are crucial in most voice programs, but the FEEL is more important than what it sounds like (especially at the beginning). The more a patient/client connects to the right FEELS (ex: light & easy, vibrations, anterior energy, buzz, no effort, flow, open vs tight, forward vs backward placement, etc.), the more he/she will create healthy & efficient vocal use patterns & therefore a better vocal quality/sound.


Learning a new motor skill is not achieved in a straight line; it is important to FEEL and hear a difference in vocal productions, & doing so continually guides your motor learning of the skill & your body’s ability to habituate the “new” & better way to create voice. It is also important to experiment with negative practice, which means actually doing it the “wrong” way & FEELING what this feels/sounds like, & then repeating the same task the “right” way & FEELING/hearing the difference—as this is another great way to reinforce motor learning & improve self-control & awareness of your own instrument. In connecting to the kinesthetic & auditory sensations, you will eventually (easily) identify when you are using your voice in the “correct” or target ways & self-correct if/when needed, consistently evolving into your most authentic, independent, efficient, & optimal vocal self.


EMBRACE the FEELS of the VOICE. FREE your mind, body, & VOICE…& FEEL and HEAR what THAT sounds like!


Stay Connected!