CHEERS to your Best Voice in 2020!

January 6th, 2020


Today is the FIRST MONDAY of 2020…It is a new YEAR, a new DECADE, a new WEEK…It is a new DAY. GET INSPIRED to dive deeper into a new YOU! Try new things, set big goals, dream big dreams…& let nothing hold you back! Get uncomfortable with being uncomfortable—we know that this place of temporary discomfort is exactly where beautiful growth happens. Cheers to YOUR best VOICE…your most authentic, healthy, & reliable voice. Decide that NOW is the time you will prioritize it. What decisions can you make at the start of this new year that your voice will thank you for when you need it to perform for you?…When you need it to inspire others?…To teach others?…To speak your truth?...To make an impact?


As an occupational voice user, your voice is your instrument and you must always remember it is your job to take care of it, strengthen it, condition it, & efficiently & dynamically USE it to accomplish your mission(s). What are your VOICE GOALS this year? How can you use YOUR unique vocal instrument to make a difference in the world this year? Aim to set specific goals that will help guide you in this journey of vocal success. Here are a FEW examples to help you find #yourbestvoicenow & all the way through 2020:
*Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water DAILY

*Invest in an ultrasonic nebulizer & DIRECTLY hydrate your vocal folds using 0.9% isotonic saline solution—I recommend @vocalmist –use code VOXFIT for a discount!

*Sleep with a cool mist humidifier

*Reduce dehydrators (caffeine, alcohol, smoking, drying medications)

*QUIT smoking AND vaping (come ON!)!...& avoid exposure to smoke as well

*Warm up your voice every morning & especially before teaching, coaching, performing, etc.

*CREATE a vocal routine (health, stretching, exercises, rests, etc.—just like you would for your physical body)…

*Be aware of your vocal demands & aim to follow a healthy & realistic vocal schedule

*Create & monitor your vocal budget to maintain optimal voice. Understand you can’t do everything so prioritize what is most important to you.

*Consistently use personal amplification while teaching, instructing, giving lectures, &/or public speaking

*Invest in voice therapy &/or vocal coaching…Learn all you can about your beautiful instrument & how to ensure it is healthy, efficiently functioning in all settings, & dynamically used to leave a lasting impact on others. Stay tuned for the VOXFIT Voice Course for FitPros coming out soon!

CHEERS to 2020!! CHEERS to YOUR best VOICE!!! 


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