Research Submitted, Vocal Warm Up vs Vocal Rescue, and PYV via Steam & Nasal Breathing!


Research Submitted...


Hey friends!!!!

Just checking in… been really REALLY focused on completing the journal article that @lamikhail and I hope to get published in the very near future featuring our study that looked into developing the most optimal #fitpro  voice protocol. I’m happy to say that it is finally completed and submitted to the Journal of Voice. WAHOOOOOO. A huuuge check off the to-do list and something I’m very excited about and proud of.
Hope you‘ve ALL been having a WONDERFUL start to the NEW year.
As time passes, recognize the power YOU have to harness that time by sticking to your goals (and making every second count). To USE that time for your learning, progress, and success. And if you haven’t set 2023 goals for yourself (your VOICE, body, mind, and spirit), NOW is a perfect time to go ahead and write them down. Make a point to check in with your goals once a week at a specified time…and also remember that goals CAN be met, modified, and re-created as YOU keep evolving. Just KEEP on keepin on and making the MOST of the time you’re given. Commit to the DIRECTION you want to move towards, and find those steps that get you there (however small they may seem, they are NEVER insignificant). Progress is not perfection, progress is PROGRESS towards becoming YOUR best self.
But for REAL.. there is SO much POWER in goal-setting, writing down your “dreams”, and making PLANS to achieve both. See below for some inspiration and get to working on your 2023 GOALS!... 





#voxfit #research #goals #2023 #happynewyear #occupationalvoiceuser #vocalhealth #vocalhygiene #voicecoaching #voicetherapy #voicedisorders #voice #vocalefficiency #vocalfolds #fitpro #fitnessinstructor #journalofvoice #sovte #dysphonia #prioritizeyourvoice #prevention #educationispower



Vocal Warm Up vs Vocal Rescue...

I saw this phrase while I was reading a new article (that I will soon be doing a post on as well), but the phrase just came across to me in FLASHING LIGHTS, and I needed to share it with all of you!!!

What does “VOCAL WARM UP VERSUS VOCAL RESCUE” mean to you?

Think about this statement and how you might be able to apply it to your daily (vocal) life. Do you realize the POWER that YOU have to DECIDE which of these concepts “win”?

How are YOU prioritizing your VOICE (possibly with some vocal WARM UPS) so that you do not require a vocal RESCUE? Do you feel that you have helpful tools in your toolbelt related to managing vocal demand throughout your day as you pursue your occupational and professional voice goals?  Do you know the benefits of a vocal warm up? What are your options?

Can you identify ways you have “reached” for voice-related recommendations as a “rescue”? In those moments, do you feel annoyed you let it get to that point? And/or do you feel that you wish you knew other ways to eliminate the “need” for a vocal rescue?

CHOOSE to #prioritizeyourvoice … CHOOSE to warm up your voice EVERY morning. You can do it while driving to work! There are SO many options and super easy ways to FIT.IT.IN.  CHOOSE to WARM UP your voice before public speaking engagements, before teaching a class, before singing, before phone calls, intermittently between (vocal) tasks throughout the day, between work and other jobs or home/family time, and after social get togethers. JUST TO NAME A FEW…


CHOOSE vocal WARM UPS versus vocal RESCUE. There is so much POWER in positive (vocal) choices… and these awesome decisions, day by day, set you up for vocal success.





#voxfit #voicefitness #voice #prioritizeyourvoice #vocalfitness #voicesfittoinspire #yourbestvoicenow #voiceshine #speak #publicspeaking #fitpro #voicespecialist #healthyvoice #vocalhealth #vocalwellness #vocalefficiency #vocaldynamics #voicecoaching #voicespecialist #fitnessinstructor #speechpathology #speechpathologist #voicetherapy #blaise #prioritizeyourhealth #vocalinstrument #occupationalvoiceuser #vocalwarmup #vocalrescue #vocalwarmupvsvocalrescue #letsgo 




HAPPY #prioritizeyourvoice Friday!!

TWO things to learn here:

1️⃣ Mouth breathing is DRYING. In fact, it’s so drying it was used in a study to INDUCE dehydration!!  Sooooo, right now, and throughout the weekend, make a point to shut your mouth and breathe through your  NOSE so that you can get the best and most filtered, hydrated/humidified, warmed, and efficient air. Not to mention the bazillion other benefits from nasal breathing (vs mouth breathing).. but will leave that passion of mine for another day. Or check out the video post I did on that exact topic from 3/8/22.

2️⃣ Steam inhalation (for even as short in duration as three minutes!) can lead to significant improvements in voice quality.  Have you supplemented your daily hydration with STEAM? And if not, NOW is the perfect time to start! There are SO many ways to try it… Steam shower, steam room, facial steamer (I have an inexpensive one from cvs), and simply boiling water on the pot, pouring that in a bowl and breathing in the steam. I personally feel the benefits from using an ultrasonic nebulizer with 0.9% isotonic saline (my favorite!) as well as using steam… I incorporate BOTH into my lifestyle pretty easily and feel the benefits. Based on the research and its ease of applicability, steam is worth it as an awesome option towards PRIORITIZING YOUR VOICE!

Consider brainstorming some ways that you might also choose to improve your your laryngeal environment and care for that beautiful vocal instrument of yours!



How are YOU prioritizing your voice today? And everyday? As an OCCUPATIONAL VOICE USER, it should be one of your top priorities! 

What do you need to know to keep your voice healthy?  You should understand how the voice works, how to protect and care for your voice, and how to use your voice and entire vocal mechanism in the most efficient, effective, and dynamic ways possible.  
I’m super PASSIONATE about this population of voice users (I’m one and most of you are too!), and am HERE TO HELP! Reach out with any questions, concerns, or if you’d like to work together. Email me at [email protected] 



#voxfit #desiretoinspire #aspiretoinspire #changelives #radiateconfidence #vocalinstrument #voice #voicefitness #vocalfitness #voicesfittoinspire #vocalathlete #occupationalvoiceuser #speechpathology #voicespecialist #teacher #instructor #fitnessinstructor #singer #performer #emcee #gamehost #clergy #sales #coach #speechpathologist #voicetherapy #voicedisorders #prioritizeyourvoice #steam #nasalbreathing


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