-Speaking loudly (pay close attention to if/when you unknowingly strain your voice when utilizing Bluetooth or speakerphone for phone conversations)
-Speaking for short or long periods of time above background noise (music, television, parties/bars, restaurant noise, cars, buses, airplanes, etc.)
-Prolonged use of nonconventional sounds (whispering, growling, squeaks, imitating animals or machines, character voices)
-Teaching/instructing etc. without amplification
-Speaking, instructing, or singing while sick
-Not managing conditions that affect the voice: sinus, allergies, reflux, lingering sicknesses, etc.
*Also consider your general quality of health, as this will impact the voice as well. Important aspects to reflect on include: quality and/or amount of sleep, overall nutrition/diet, effects of any medications or supplements that you are taking, and/or effects of the environments you are exposed to (dust, mold, mildew, smoke, dry environments, etc.)...
*In addition, be aware of your overall vocal demand (the total amount of time you use your voice and what kind of requirements/expectations you place on your voice/vocal instrument). Just like you would eventually fatigue if you were told to go get on the treadmill and run for 8 hours or more, your voice will eventually fatigue or experience negative changes in quality or function if vocal demands are too high. Consider the importance of creating and maintaining a vocal schedule wherein you include short periods for “vocal naps” and even pencil in time for vocal exercises and a place for hydration goals.
*If you realize that you habitually or even just occasionally engage in any the above behaviors, it is necessary to find ways to reduce/eliminate them and substitute positive voice habits in their place. PRIORITIZE THE HEALTH OF YOUR VOCAL INSTRUMENT. Contact VOXFIT™ for more information on developing an effective vocal hygiene program for YOU, as it is essential for a healthy and dynamic VOICE!