December 16, 2021

I am SOOOOOOO EXCITED to share lots of awesome UPDATES with you on this lovely Thursday!

Watch the video.
Yes I had some fun making it ;)
- EVERY Tuesday, look out for a post on anything and everything about VOICE, FITNESS, &/or INSPIRATION. I will also take any suggestions you have for the Tuesday Toss up! I would also love to feature YOU and your experiences related to these areas of focus. VOICE, fitness, and inspiration (along with RESEARCH about them!) bring me JOY and I love to share my joy and passion with all of you. #educationispower #tuesdaytossup #voice #fitness #inspiration
- EVERY Wednesday, look out for a post on anything related to HEALTH: VOCAL, physical, mental, and even spiritual. The MORE healthy we are as a WHOLE person, the better. “Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness” (Edward Stanley). Please send any topics you want covered or any questions you have! #priortizeyourhealth #humpdayhealth #wednesdaywellness #vocalhealth
Prioritize Your Voice FRIDAY
- EVERY Friday, look out for a post about how I’m prioritizing my voice, and encouraging/inviting YOU to do the same. Tag @voxfit_ and use #prioritizeyourvoice to get featured on the VOXFIT instagram AND inspire others! This day is meant to INSPIRE you to prioritize your voice (PYV) every day of the week, but we’re gonna do it together on Fridays! It’s never a bad idea to start a vocal health and wellness movement on social media with others (we did it once with that #globalvoicechallenge YAS) & share this mindset of PRIORITIZING YOUR VOICE

. #pyv #prioritizeyourvoice
- Anddd for all of my current &/or future VOXFIT® clients, there is now MORE AVAILABILITY in the schedule! WOOHOO. So when you go to schedule a session or seminar, Mondays are open for booking

- Also, I will be developing and publishing several new short and more comprehensive and interactive courses

… I’ve had a lot of people asking about this and I want you to know they will be LIVE on the website soon and I am looking forward to getting them to YOU ASAP!!!
#getexcited #iam
SENDING YOU LOTS OF VOICE LOVE TODAY AND ALWAYS. DM me with any suggestions or if you’d like to be featured. #mission #passion #purpose #letsgo
#voxfit #voicesfittoinspire #speechpathologist #voicespecialist #chooseyourbestvoice #vocalfitness #wholevoice #wholeperson #bevocallyfit #choosetoprioritizeyourvoice #cheerstothenewyear #fitnessinstructor #singer #teacher #speaker