Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises (SOVTEs)—SO Many Possibilities!!
Check out the short video (that is part of this blog post) revealing only SOME of the fabulous SOVTE possibilities. Then also be sure to read up on this week’s HumpDayHealth which will highlight the reasons WHY these exercises are so healthy, wonderful, & beneficial... AND come highly recommended by (A LOT of) research.
Straw Phonation in Water
Straw Phonation outside of Water
Tongue Out Straw Phonation
Lip Trills
Lip Trill+Infinity Symbol
Tongue Out Trills (Raspberries)
Tongue Trills (like a Spanish /r/ sound)
Resonant Hum
Chewing Resonant Hum
Resonant Hum+Infinity Symbol
Tongue Out Hum
Buzzy /V/
Buzzuy /V/ with thumb for Tactile Feedback
Buzzy /U/
/Z/ Buzz
Kazoo Blowfish
Cup Phonation
Resonant /N/
/Y/ Buzz
Variably Occluded Face Mask (VOFM)
Many of these can be performed in somewhat of a protocol: single pitches/sustained, gliding/”moving the voice around”, accents/hills or ”revs of an engine”, scales/arpeggios, using a song, and/or progressing to voiced tasks (using the SOVTE and moving into a word/phrase/normal daily vocal task). The FOCUS should always be on no effort in the throat, but an achievement of awareness of “vibrations”, a “buzz”, and/or attention to anterior energy/energy in the front of the face (again, versus the throat). It is also helpful to remember to relax the lips, jaw, and throat and also to use breathflow and abdominal support as needed.
Two to five minutes is all you need for a beautiful “reset” of the voice, and to be honest I notice a benefit in as little as one minute. Why not find a MINUTE of your time to RESET and PRIORITIZE your voice via the use of SOVTEs?! #youvegotthis
Stay tuned for the “WHY” (next week!)… This is so important!
It’s Prioritize Your Voice Friday… So how are you prioritizing your voice today? And everyday? As an OCCUPATIONAL VOICE USER, it should be one of your top priorities!
CHECK OUT the @voxfit_ instagram page every Friday as now several people are participating in the weekly challenge to PRIORITIZE YOUR VOICE. Make it a point everyday to make good healthy vocal decisions, and especially on Fridays! I will share it if you tag @voxfit_. Remember the importance of prioritizing the vocal health and wellness of your vocal instrument as well as its efficiency and dynamics (when needed). Your VOICE is my PASSION... REACH OUT if you have any questions about your voice or if you need suggestions related to how to achieve YOUR most optimal vocal success.
#voxfit #voice #sovt #sovte #vocalhealth #resetthevoice #voicesfittoinspire #vocalfitness #bevocallyfit #semioccludedvocaltractexercises #healthyvoice #prioritizeyourvoice #improvevocalfoldvibration #strawphonation #liptrills #tonguetrills #resonanthum #blowfish #cupphonation #lightandeasy #vibration #buzz #anteriorenergy #attentiontothefront #protectyourvoice #tuesdaytossup #tuesdaytips #chooseyourbestvoice