I love all videostroboscopy (using rigid and flexible scopes), but I truly believe in the importance of doing both for different reasons. In the video example with this post, I ended up doing a flex scope first on this patient because of reasons related to the referral and patient complaints. However, once I observed some changes in the tissue health and suspected lesion (on the left VF/which is the right side of the screen), I knew I wanted to also do a rigid scope (and I did). You can hopefully tell from this video the differences in detail between the two scopes.
My general rule of thumb related to choosing one versus the other is: if the patient complaints or laryngologist/ENT referral have more to do with a movement disorder (paralysis, paresis), muscle tension, an airway disorder (dyspnea, stridor, ILO/VCD/PVFM, chronic refractory cough, irritable larynx etc.), and/or if the patient has a gag reflex so prominent that when I only touch their tongue they gag, I will choose to use a flexible scope; if the patient complaints or laryngologist/ENT referral has more to do with a suspected lesion/pathology, tissue change, and/or the need for more detail in the vibratory parameters or mucosal intricacies, I choose to use a rigid scope. I also love to choose rigid first on singers and other professional/occupational voice users (for detail and gorgeous pictures of their instrument), but also love to perform flexible on them as well (because they can sing and/or perform their professional/occupational voice tasks and obtain a detailed view “from above” during these tasks).
Just like I believe (in a perfect world), the “platinum standard” for instrumental swallow studies includes both a FEES and MBSS, I also believe that the “platinum standard” for videostroboscopy includes both rigid and flexible scope views/perspectives. Either way, I strongly BELIEVE in the importance of instrumentation as an integral first step in learning about someone’s voice (especially if there has been a change in voice lasting longer than two weeks)…
(SEE THE VIDEO that is part of this blog post)
The GAS PEDAL for the VOICE comes from the CORE, not the throat.
On today’s #humpdayhealth, aim to focus on achieving that “oomph” for your voice from your CORE, not your throat.
Aim to choose vocal ENERGY and not vocal EFFORT. Choose EFFICIENCY and SUPPORT, not effort and strain.
Aim to ENGAGE the abdominals and not strain the laryngeal “home” for your instrument.
If (and when) your car is low on gas (or out of gas), it will not run as well or function as efficiently. If the gas pedal does not work well or needs service, your car will not be as reliable and will likely not be as smooth or safe. If your VOICE does not achieve its strength or connectedness to your body and airflow with core engagement and general full-body harmony (but instead with an effort or reversion to the throat region), it will not be as efficient, dynamic, or healthy as it can be. The CORE is the GAS PEDAL for the voice. Give your voice the energy and support it deserves with a (re)connection to your CORE.
Sidenote: There are also SO many more places we can gain expansion and engagement from in our body other than the throat including the lungs, ribs (especially the lower ones), upper back, low back/pelvis, sides, and abdominals. Our CORE (our gas pedal!) is 360 degrees! This applies to voice, fitness, and general posture/body support. The CORE is like a “house” of SUPPORT— top/bottom, side +side, and front/back. It is your foundation for many things and it’s such a great idea to remember this truth and apply it to physical AND vocal tasks. Let your CORE be your foundation and GAS PEDAL; your VOICE will sound and feel more free and clear!
It’s Prioritize Your Voice Friday… So how are you prioritizing your voice today? And everyday? As an OCCUPATIONAL VOICE USER, it should be one of your top priorities!
CHECK OUT the @voxfit_ instagram page every Friday as now several people are participating in the weekly challenge to PRIORITIZE YOUR VOICE. Make it a point everyday to make good healthy vocal decisions, and especially on Fridays! I will share it if you tag @voxfit_. Remember the importance of prioritizing the vocal health and wellness of your vocal instrument as well as its efficiency and dynamics (when needed). Your VOICE is my PASSION... REACH OUT if you have any questions about your voice or if you need suggestions related to how to achieve YOUR most optimal vocal success.
#voxfit #voice #prioritizeyourvoice #pyv #yesyoucan #healthyvoice #vocalhealth #vocalwellness #vocalefficiency #vocaldynamics #speechpathologist #voicespecialist #fitnessinstructor #prioritizeyourhealth #prioritizeyourvoicefriday #vocalinstrument #occupationalvoiceuser #tuesdaytossup #tuesdaytips #humpdayhealth #voicesfittoinspire #bevocallyfit #vocalfitness #protectyourvoice #projection #vocalfatigue #stroboscopy #videostroboscopy #vocalfolds #vibration