Are you aware that you might sleep with your mouth open? Do you use a fan while you sleep? OR an air conditioner? Or heat (in the winter months)?
These are all reasons that you could be getting DRIED OUT while you are sleeping. Waking up with an irritated throat or dry/hoarse voice may also be signs that a HUMIDIFIER should be used in your bedroom. Even if you don’t have any of those symptoms, using a humidifier is very helpful and should be considered, especially if you are an occupational or professional voice user. I sleep with a humidifier every night and I think it makes a world of difference.
We know that moist vocal fold mucosa requires less subglottic air pressure to oscillate than dry mucosa (Titze, 1988), and this translates to HYDRATED VFs=LESS effort required to set them into motion to vibrate. There are four main forms of hydration I like to discuss with patients—water, humidification, steam, and use of an ultrasonic nebulizer with 0.9% isotonic saline solution. Check out some research on humidified air versus dry air (and its effect on the VOICE):
-Vintturi et al. (2003) found that subjective reports of fatigue and neck/shoulder/back discomfort were reported to increase after prolonged voice use under conditions of low humidity as compared to high ambient humidity
-Hemler et al. (1997) investigated the effect of relative humidity on voice in dry, humidified, and standard humidity environments and concluded that human voice is very sensitive to decreases in the humidity of inhaled air
-Jiang et al. (2000) showed that exposure to dry air (20-30% humidity) for ~5 minutes decreased vocal efficiency and increased phonation threshold pressure (PTP) which is the energy required to drive oscillation of the VFs
Challenges to achieving VF hydration occur daily and can negatively impact the voice and result in reduced efficiency of VF vibration, increased “effort” for voice use, and vocal fatigue/discomfort. Eliminate these effects by consistently CHOOSING optimal hydration despite busy days, crazy schedules, and unpredictable environments. The health of your VOICE is in your HANDS! And hey, humidification could be one of the easiest ways to promote hydration – you are sleeping and being exposed to hydrated air at the same time! WIN-WIN. #letsgo
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IF you want to use your VOICE dynamically while speaking (to be interesting, clear, and inspiring)…if you want to navigate a wide range while singing (to more readily reach high and low notes and expand your song choices)…if you want to incorporate the oh-so-important VOCAL SPICE while teaching or coaching or instructing (to exude your passion out to others and ensure your VOICE will make an IMPACT)…. Then you MUST commit to HYDRATION. It’s the easiest way to allow your vocal folds to move and vibrate as they should, as you want them to, and do so with ease versus effort…
Fully hydrated VF mucosa is more pliable than dried/dehydrated mucosa. VFs need to change shape often to produce voice, lengthening and shortening to change pitch and vibrating over 100-1000 times per second, depending on the pitch of the sound we make. This happens when we move our voice around (during speaking or singing tasks)…and we WANT this to happen… the more we “hang around” one or two notes when speaking or singing, we are boring on the outside and stiff on the inside. We need movement, freedom, and flexibility on the inside….to be exciting, motivating, and FREE on the “outside”.
Porcaro et al. (2021) found that the impact of vocal hygiene training on teachers’ willingness to incorporate vocally hygienic behaviors was statistically significant.
If (ALL) occupational voice users are targeted with vocal hygiene training before they develop vocal challenges, perhaps voice disorders in this population could be reduced or avoided. **THIS IS MY MISSION through VOXFIT® and when in the clinic; EDUCATION is POWER. AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE.** STAY TUNED for more coming SOON from me related to self-study courses (WOOHOO so excited.. it’s finally happening!!)…
If you need to consistently use voice in dynamic ways to fulfil occupational or professional duties, it only makes sense that prioritizing optimal hydration is an “easy” step in the right vocal direction.
#voxfit #hydration #dynamicvoiceuse #vocalspice #publicspeaking #voice #occupationalvoiceuser #vocalfolds #vocalhealth #vocalwellness #prioritizeyourvoice #voicesfittoinspire #bevocallyfit #protectyourvoice #hydrate #voicetherapy #vocalcoaching #vocalfitness #voicefitness #fitnessinstructor #speechpathologist #voicespecialist #singer #awareness #research #prioritizeyourhealth #educationispower #prevention
It’s Prioritize Your Voice Friday… So how are you prioritizing your voice today? And everyday? As an OCCUPATIONAL VOICE USER, it should be one of your top priorities!
Shouldn’t PRIORITIZING your voice be high on your list?!
What do you need to know to keep your voice healthy? You should understand how the voice works, how to protect and care for your voice, and how to use your voice and entire vocal mechanism in the most efficient, effective, and dynamic ways possible.
I’m super PASSIONATE about this population of voice users (I’m one and most of you are too), and am HERE TO HELP! Reach out with any questions, concerns, or if you’d like to work together.
#voxfit #desiretoinspire #aspiretoinspire #changelives #radiateconfidence #vocalinstrument #voice #voicefitness #vocalfitness #voicesfittoinspire #vocalathlete #occupationalvoiceuser #speechpathology #voicespecialist #teacher #instructor #fitnessinstructor #singer #performer #emcee #gamehost #clergy #sales #coach #speechpathologist #voicetherapy #voicedisorders #prioritizeyourvoice