ALLOW vs force and PYV: MINDSET!!
The Week of June 6th BLOG:
Tuesday Toss Up: ALLOW vs force

ALLOW your VOICE (vs force it). ALLOW your BREATH. ALLOW a stretch. Your body already knows what to do. ALLOW your thoughts; it’s possible they can just BE w/no judgment. ALLOW your relationships; the best ones grow w/time & trust. And that’s just a “starter list”….
“ALLOW versus force” encourages beautiful reminders in several categories… But in the voice world it’s especially wonderful to remember & apply this idea. I often encourage patients to think along these lines when they feel some sort of muscle tension, vocal effort,&/or breathholding pattern. They may be used to “forcing” their voice because of an imbalance in the vocal subsystems, an imperfect VF closure pattern, or recruitment of muscle tension in general… & especially when all or any one of these 3 might be combined w/high vocal demands, stress,&/or sub-optimal vocal hygiene.
And I LOVE when it happens that a patient comes to this beautiful conclusion on their own. I was working w/a voice patient & in the midst of some flow phonation practice in combination w/CTT & guiding him to familiarity w/feeling a light/easy kinesthetic awareness, he said it helped him to think of “ALLOWING his voice, instead of forcing it”. I validated the incredible awareness that he came to via this idea (& also felt all SMILEY on the inside that he spoke those words & believed in their power). He uses this concept as a “reset tool” if/when he catches himself approaching voice w/the “old” patterns. It’s amazing what people can become aware of w/minimal therapist input while just exploring what their voice & body already know to do.
WORDS are POWERFUL. ALLOWING yourself TIME to explore what certain feelings, sensations,& words mean to YOU is extremely powerful (especially re: VOICE & BREATH). It’s important that they are relevant to YOU & your goals. Are you aware you may be in “force mode” w/anything now that you may need to simply ALLOW? Do you feel how stress could reduce when you do? Allow your shoulders to drop, your belly to relax, your voice to flow, & your VOCAL ENERGY to travel without restriction to those you are trying to impact (inspire, guide, teach, etc.).
#voxfit #voice #allowversusforce #allow #occupationalvoiceuser #speechpathologist #voicespecialist #voicefitness #bevocallyfit #fitnessinstructor #singer #publicspeaker #justbreathe #tuesdaytossup #vocalhealth #vocalwellness #voicetherapy #vocalcoaching #awareness #beproactive

How about by prioritizing a POSITIVE MINDSET?
By believing YOU are doing GREAT. Stop listening to the negative committee living rent-free in your head and START listening to the TRUTH inside you that KNOWS you were made for GREATNESS!
By BELIEVING that others see the LIGHT in you and believe in your GIFTS. And believing that YOU SHOULD TOO. Don’t ever let them believe in you more than YOU believe in yourself!! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND, and the ONLY YOU for all of ETERNITY.
By truly believing YOU’VE GOT THIS (whatever it is!). Because YOU DO. And no one (NO ONE!) can do it better than YOU.
And by believing that YOU.ARE.ENOUGH!!! You are ABSOLUTELY enough. You are actually MORE than enough. And block any thoughts that try and make you believe the lie that tells you otherwise. Comparison is the thief of JOY. Let go of imposter syndrome… that’s serving NO ONE.. and definitely not you. Let YOUR light shine. And you shine BRIGHTEST when you are being your wonderful self.
You ARE enough.
YOU are enough.
You are ENOUGH.
(Ps— do you feel the vocal energy differently based on the emphasis?! #vocalspice )
PRIORITIZE YOUR VOICE by reframing your mindset. By reminding yourself of some awesome TRUTHS: YOU are great, YOU are valued, YOU are worth believing in, YOU are enough, and YOU’VE GOT THIS.
#voxfit #voice #prioritizeyourvoice #pyv #yesyoucan #healthyvoice #vocalhealth #vocalwellness #vocalefficiency #vocaldynamics #speechpathologist #voicespecialist #fitnessinstructor #goworkout #prioritizeyourhealth #letsgo #prioritizeyourvoicefriday #vocalinstrument #occupationalvoiceuser #youvegotthis #inspiration #youareenough #youaregreat #ibelieveinyou #believeinyourself