Working Out Benefits Your Voice! (Part TWO)...

August 27, 2019
Read last week’s post related to this topic (Part ONE) as it sets a great foundation...
Exercise can be viewed as engaging in physical activity to sustain or ...
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Working Out Benefits Your Voice! (Part ONE)...

August 19, 2019
Have you ever wondered how or why physical exercise, strength, &/or movement might impact the VOICE?! Anyone need ANOTHER great reason to hit the gym or studio?! (#movementismedi...
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Laryngeal Tension?

August 12, 2019
Do you experience complaints of throat soreness or pain? How about tightness or pain while speaking, singing, &/or swallowing? Ever felt like you had “knots” or lumps in the thro...
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Hydration Boot Camp: Part 3 of 3...

August 5, 2019


Nebulize your way to optimal hydration...

READ THE FIRST TWO PARTS OF THIS HYDRATION BOOT CAMP SERIES to give you a foundational understanding of the positive impact of hydration...
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Hydration Boot Camp: Part Two of Three...

July 30, 2019
READ LAST WEEK’S POST (PART ONE) to give you a foundational understanding of the positive impact of hydration on the VOICE. As stated in the post, there are two types of hydration—...
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Hydration Boot Camp: Part One of Three

July 23, 2019


"The Warm Up" -- Get to Know the Research...

A simple review on the importance of hydration if you are an occupational voice user: The more hydrated you are, the less effort will ...
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How Does Your Posture Affect Your Vocal Potential?

July 9, 2019
The voice is one of the most important components of communication between human beings. Just like when something is “off” in our life if something is “out of alignment” or "off bal...
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Don't Ignore a Persistent Change in Voice...

July 1, 2019
It can be your first sign of a vocal injury, especially one that may look like this! If you experience a sudden change in voice or a persistent “hoarseness” for two weeks or longer,...
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June 24, 2019
Never stop learning. Surround yourself with like-minded passionate people at all times. Surround yourself with people that inspire you to be the best version of yourself…and surrou...
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Let's Go Out!!

June 10, 2019
Life should include FUN…and I highly encourage you to have A LOT of it…BUT as an occupational voice user, it’s important to BE AWARE of the effects a fun “night out” might have on ...
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