Do LOUD Fitness Classes NEED to Take a Toll on Instructors’ VOICES? Part THREE.

January 28, 2020


Building on parts 1&2 of this series—this week we are going to focus on what to do INSTEAD of “just turn down the music”. As a #fitnessinstructor, you KNOW...

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Do Loud Fitness Classes NEED to Take a Toll on Instructors’ VOICES? Part TWO.

January 20, 2020


Do LOUD Fitness Classes NEED to Take a Toll on Instructors’ VOICES? Part TWO.


Read Part One for a good foundation on this topic. Before we tap (it back) into ways to...

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Do LOUD Fitness Classes NEED to Take a Toll on Instructors’ VOICES?

January 13, 2020

Do LOUD Fitness Classes NEED to Take a Toll on Instructors’ VOICES? … The answer is NO. And my mission & passion is to help you learn why. BIG THANK you to...

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June 24, 2019
Never stop learning. Surround yourself with like-minded passionate people at all times. Surround yourself with people that inspire you to be the best version of yourself…and...
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Let's Go Out!!

June 10, 2019
Life should include FUN…and I highly encourage you to have A LOT of it…BUT as an occupational voice user, it’s important to BE AWARE of the effects a fun...
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