
May 28, 2019
Vocal fold nodules are a common vocal fold pathology that cause dysphonia (hoarseness of voice) and are characterized by callus-like growths caused by inefficient vocal use (also co...
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May 5, 2019
SHOUT OUT to all my amazing #fitpro friends as well as those amazing fitpros I haven’t met…YET! I’m SO excited to announce that VOXFIT™ is featured on the FITNESS CAREER MASTERY PODC...
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Know When to Call it a Night...

April 23, 2019
To ensure the most optimal vocal quality and vocal health, it is essential to honor the crucial role played by none other than star performer: adequate sleep. Achieving seven to n...
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Effects of Smoking, Vaping, and Marijuana on the Vocal Folds.. because YES, there are several…

April 1, 2019
Without a doubt, smoking (anything) has a negative effect on the voice (larynx, vocal folds, respiratory system, etc.), as it can create change within the composition of the vocal ...
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Should I Use Throat Lozenges?!

March 24, 2019
As the seasons continue to change along with the weather and the allergens present in our air, many people will report experiencing throat irritation classified by a “tickle”, “sc...
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To Clear or Not to Clear? That is the Question...

February 18, 2019


And the answer is…Don’t do it.

Throat clearing is essentially slamming your vocal folds together. This is potentially damaging to the very fragile tissues of the vocal folds a...
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Vocal Hygiene: Episode #2!

January 21, 2019
*Refer to Vocal Hygiene: Episode #1 for the appropriate foundational information about vocal hygiene. A second essential aspect of vocal hygiene is reducing inefficient use of t...
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Vocal Hygiene: Episode #1!

January 13, 2019
VOCAL HYGIENE is a term used by voice specialists referring to behaviors and/or habits one may practice (or not practice) that impact vocal health. Good vocal health is one of t...
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