Your Voice is Like a... Garden Hose?!

October 15, 2019


Your voice is like a…GARDEN HOSE?!



Visualize a garden hose…perfectly unraveled and ready to water the garden. Notice how it does not have any kinks or...

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May 28, 2019
Vocal fold nodules are a common vocal fold pathology that cause dysphonia (hoarseness of voice) and are characterized by callus-like growths caused by inefficient vocal use (also...
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What's Your Baseline?

February 25, 2019
If you are a professional or occupational voice user, it is very important to get a “baseline scope” (called a videostroboscopy) of your vocal folds, a.k.a. your...
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Voices FIT to Inspire...

February 4, 2019


An occupational voice user is any individual who places great demands upon his/her voice and whose livelihood is dependent upon a functioning voice (Stemple, 2000)--which...

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Vocal Hygiene: Episode #2!

January 21, 2019
*Refer to Vocal Hygiene: Episode #1 for the appropriate foundational information about vocal hygiene. A second essential aspect of vocal hygiene is reducing inefficient use of...
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