March 16, 2020
You NEED a warm up!
Yes, YOU, an occupational voice user, YOU need a warm up (WU) for your VOICE. Every athletic endeavor involves a WU in some form, & this is considered...
March 4, 2020
Have you ever had a day where your voice just didn’t sound like itself?!
It doesn't happen to me often, but when it does I tend to blame it on the crazy weather in...
February 28, 2020
Still on a HIGH from the AMAZING 15th annual @sincitylaryngology conference in Vegas including an outstanding @phorte_voice_therapy workshop & a fabulous VOICE...
February 19, 2020
E-Cigarettes – New Research!
Anytime there is new research out, I love to read it & spread the word to others. #evidencebasedmedicine. An awesome new study out about...
February 11, 2020
Your voice is your audible business card…
Put your best voice forward. Your voice is part of your appearance. It’s your AUDIBLE BUSINESS CARD. Your VOICE plays a...
February 3, 2020
Hoarseness is Never Normal...
Dysphonia (hoarseness) is any impairment or change in voice quality that affects the ability to speak or sing. It results in an interruption of...
January 28, 2020
Building on parts 1&2 of this series—this week we are going to focus on what to do INSTEAD of “just turn down the music”. As a #fitnessinstructor, you KNOW...
January 20, 2020
Do LOUD Fitness Classes NEED to Take a Toll on Instructors’ VOICES? Part TWO.
Read Part One for a good foundation on this topic. Before we tap (it back) into ways to...
January 13, 2020
Do LOUD Fitness Classes NEED to Take a Toll on Instructors’ VOICES? … The answer is NO. And my mission & passion is to help you learn why. BIG THANK you to...
January 6th, 2020
Today is the FIRST MONDAY of 2020…It is a new YEAR, a new DECADE, a new WEEK…It is a new DAY. GET INSPIRED to dive deeper into a new YOU! Try new things, set big...