Enjoy some educational & inspiring blog reading & be sure to roll your shoulders & focus on "low and slow" & nasal breathing as you do! Make it a GREAT day. YOU are...

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Duration of Straw Phonation, TRISMUS, THE NOSE, and PYV!

Duration of Straw Phonation...

Have you ever wondered HOW LONG to perform straw phonation?! The current research normally suggests that 2-5 minutes is very effective… which makes it so easy...

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The Power of HUMMING, Vocal Training, and PYV via LEARNING!


The Power of HUMMING...

I was once told (during a training course) that the achievement of anterior vibrations (often during a resonant hum) is like a medicine dropper right onto the vocal folds....

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What's Your Plan?, Lingual Tension Release, and PYV by Managing MTD...


What's Your Plan?...

PRACTICE. YES this is real life. This is from MY phone. I do it too. AND IT’S AWESOME. Practice: Make it a routine. Intentionally INSERT practice within your daily...

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International EILO/ILO Conference, Morning Vocal Warmup Strategy, and PYV!


International EILO/ILO Conference...

STILL ON A CONTINUING ED HIGH after attending the 5th Annual International Airway and Breathing Conference in Denver!!!!!! OhmyGOSH I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this...

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Occupational Voice User Research, #strobelove, SOVTE research, and PYV!


Occupational Voice User Research...

 Do you use your VOICE for your job?! If yes, then YOU are an OCCUPATIONAL VOICE USER!! If you use your voice within your work and/or professional setting...

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Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Fun #dayinthelife Video, and PYV with SOVTE!


Muscle Tension Dysphonia...

I’ve had A LOT of people ask me questions about this, & it’s something I see EVERYDAY… So here’s a full-of-info post for ya… AND...

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Research Submitted, Vocal Warm Up vs Vocal Rescue, and PYV via Steam & Nasal Breathing!


Research Submitted...


Hey friends!!!!

Just checking in… been really REALLY focused on completing the journal article that @lamikhail and I hope to get published in the very...

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SOVTEs--SO many possibilities and PrioritizeYourVoice Reminders...


The Week of FEB 7th BLOG: 

TUESDAY TOSS UP:  SOVTEs (SO many possibilities...)


Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises (SOVTEs)—SO Many Possibilities!!


Check out the short video...

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September 1, 2021



I have some new RESEARCH TO SHARE!


SUPER excited to announce that our research was ACCEPTED to be presented at the Fall Voice conference in...

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