Drying of Vocal Folds and Ultrasonic Nebulizer Use...


The Week of August 15th BLOG: 


Tuesday Toss Up: Drying of Vocal Folds


There are LOTS of ways our vocal folds can become “dried out”. Why not do all you can to...

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Research Accepted, Surface Hydration, and PYV Reminders!


The Week of August 8th BLOG: 


Tuesday Toss Up: RESEARCH Accepted!



**Check out the video above related to this post!**

SUPER excited to announce our...

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Career Wake Up, WHAT is your MISSION?, and PYV!


The Week of July 25th and August 1st BLOGs: 


Tuesday Toss Up: Career Wake Up

Check out the video above related to this post! I made a fun reel on instagram and was easily inspired...

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Yoga and Voice!, Garden Hose Revisited, and PYV!!

The Week of June 22nd & July 5th BLOGs: 


Tuesday Toss Up: YOGA and VOICE!

Recent literature reveals that yoga and pranayama are reported to improve the voice quality of...

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Humidification, MORE On Hydration, and PYV!


The Week of June 13th BLOG:   




Are you aware that you might sleep with your mouth open? Do you use a fan while...

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ALLOW vs force and PYV: MINDSET!!

The Week of June 6th BLOG: 


Tuesday Toss Up: ALLOW vs force

ALLOW your VOICE (vs force it). ALLOW your BREATH. ALLOW a stretch. Your body already knows what to do. ALLOW your...

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Vocal Energy and PYV by Prioritizing Your Fitness!...


The Week of May 24th BLOG:   


Tuesday Toss Up: VOCAL ENERGY


# T. R. U. T. H.

Vocal energy speaks PASSION and PURPOSE.
Exude yours out to...

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Projection, Working HARD for Voice, Bodily Exercise, and PYV Friday!!

The Week of May 9th and May 16th Blogs: 


5/10/22 -- Tuesday Toss Up (Projection)

On this week’s #tuesdaytossup, let’s go over some good reminders about how to MOST...

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STAY in Shape..., Drop Your Shoulders, and PYV Friday!

The Week of May 3rd Blog: 


Tuesday Toss Up (STAY in Shape So You Don't Have to GET in Shape...)


STAY ready so you don’t have to GET ready…


This applies to SO...

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Vocal Loading and Buteyko Breathing...

The Week of April 18th and 25th BLOGs: 


4/18/22 -- Hump Day Health:  (Vocal Loading)

"Hoarseness, vocal fatigue, scratchy throat, & the eternal urge to clear the throat are...

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