What an INCREDIBLE few days at the Southwest Laryngology Conference!!! I am truly honored to have been guest faculty,...
Do you know how many times PER SECOND that YOUR vocal folds vibrate? The first s...
WHAT are you preparing for? WHO do you desire to become?
It’s that day to day grind. It’s that daily COMM...
As an occupational voice user (a fitness instructor...
#humpdayhealth is ALLLL about the importance of honoring your intellectual health!
If you’re not...
(Check out the video that is part of this blog post)...
Dare I take it a step fur...
HOW BOUT A TON OF (research-based) REASONS?!
How do semi-occluded vocal tract exercises (SOVTEs) promote VOCAL ...
Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises (SOVTEs)—SO Many Possibilities!!
Check out the short video (that is part o...
I love all videostroboscopy (using rigid and flexible scopes), but I truly believe in the importance of doing bot...
Whaaaaat?! Yea, it’s the TRUTH.
And what is important is not only the SPEED of the vocal folds (VFs) coming toge...